Friday, March 26, 2010

Put On Your Big Girl Panties

OK, vacations are good, but then I have to catch up on all this stuff when I get back.
Not that it was even too much, but week was exhausting. Mostly because I had to listen to people complain without any solution.
Like, did you think nursing was going to be easy and calm? please. Find another career if you can't handle stress. Suck it up buttercup.
I put the magnet that Anne gave me-Put on your big girl panties and deal with it-on my file cabinet. I would put up the cross stitch that Laura gave me too, but perhaps that is too much, given that patients might see it and I don't mean them.
Why as nurses do we always think that we need to control everything? Everytime something unusual/challenging happens, our immediate response is 'we need more rules' For the love of Pete, let it go! Not that I'm all loosey goosey, I like to be as bossy as the next nurse, but why freak out about everything? Yes, we work with people who have poor boundaries, are impulsive, poor communicators, and disrespectful-but they are my coworkers and I have to put up with them.
ha ha
Anyhow, if you are working in psychiatry-did you think it was going to be with only the pleasantly mentally ill? Oh yes, sure this woman is mentally ill, but her delusion is that I'm God and she must do everything I tell her?
OK, must stop whinging-I do love my job, but occasionally feel exhausted. Alternative is to plod along and do basics without advocating for change, which is not an acceptable alternative...


  1. I find it interesting that a lot of the situations that you describe I have gone through too, in my job.

  2. Yes, Geoff often says that as soon as something negative happens at work they get a new directive. Like when there were some deer hits, they all had to start driving at 80 km/hour.
